Content Asset Creation
Threat Sharing Concept Video
- 30-60s branded concept video for Threat Sharing to be distributed via social media and email marketing channels. Illustration, typography and stock video resources, not original video content.
Use/Business Case Documents
- Branded long and short form use/business case documents and graphics.
Explainer Videos
- Short ‘How to’ videos on platform usage. Screen share and commentary styling with Keepnet branding.
Threat Sharing Brochure
- Long and short form use/business case documents and graphics.
White Paper
- Branded white paper document.
Press Release
- Copy and styling of press release announcing the Threat Sharing product.
Illustrations, Diagrams, Imagery, Icons & Copy
- Design of all illustrations, diagrams, tables, icons and copy as required. Sourcing of appropriate stock imagery for download.
Content Deck
- Branded content deck for webinar demonstrations.
Total: 8 days
Social Media
Social Graphics & Copywriting
Total: 1 day